
Hello and welcome! I've set up this website for anyone looking to purchase copies of my children's book "You Can't Make A Dinosaur Out Of Three Dead Horses". Please visit the Store tab above. In the future this site will host information on current and ongoing projects I am involved with. For a preview of my portfolio please visit HERE

Please feel free to contact me via email if you have questions or requests! ~Christine


Christine Leader grew up on a farm just outside the town of Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, Canada. She received a Diploma in Advertising Art in 1996 and has lollygagged around working and drawing ever since.

Recently, when friends kicked her in the butt and suggested she get her "stuff" together she decided to take a stab at storytelling.
Christine would like to help make the world a better place but most of her stories (although 100% true) have no moral or social lessons.

Currently she lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba and works as a Day Program Facilitator for adults with mental and physical disabilities.

She illustrates when she can and calls her mom on a regular basis.